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LA Fitness Customer Service


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Before You Contact LA Fitness

Whether you’re interested in gym memberships, personal training sessions, or need help with billing inquiries, knowing how to reach LA Fitness can streamline your fitness journey. Below, you’ll find various ways to connect with their customer service team and insights into member feedback, helping you decide if LA Fitness suits your health and wellness goals.

How to Contact LA Fitness Customer Service

LA Fitness provides several options for members and prospective clients to get assistance with facilities, memberships, and billing:

Phone Number

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1-949-255-7200 Live Person Hint Needed Please Comment

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out of ★★★★★ based on 1 Reviews

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Date Rating Comment
12/19/2024 LA - I was very excited to start these training sessions to

I was very excited to start these training sessions to help kick start my workout, mix it up and understand the latest advancements/trends out there. Unfortunately, I've had a horrible experience. The person who signed me up recommended I start with one trainer. She said he was really good. He canceled the day of my first appointment, stating he had unexpected plans with family. We rescheduled. The day of my session (Memorial Day), he texted me to push up my appointment to an earlier time. I could not change my day to meet his request. When I met him he appeared uninterested and the workout was quick. At the beginning of my session, he said to me that he did not know why they put me with him because his schedule was so busy and he didn't work nights much. Because of my work schedule, I cannot train in the morning or during the day. Looking on the schedule, no other trainers were available after work hours to train me. I scheduled another appointment with him. He canceled the day of, sending me a message as part of a group text stating that his sister and nephews were in town so all of our appointments were canceled. He is no longer working at L.A. Fitness. I then scheduled an appointment with another trainer. He is new and recently became certified. Each time I met with him, I was greeted with, "what are we working on today?" I felt he should be telling me vs. me having to dictate where I need assistance. I've had trainers before, I was a dancer, and I know my problem areas. I now have a knee problem to worry about so I was seeking to train to help better my workouts to stay in shape and not injure myself. I told this to the person who signed me up for my membership, the person who signed me up with the training package, and each trainer. I am looking to a trainer for guidance vs. putting me on a machine and writing it down in my book. I asked for guidance for working out on my own. The response was vague, quick, did not make much sense and was not helpful. On my last appointment, he was 10 minutes late (because his other appointment went over) and we worked out for less than 20 minutes. Again, I had to dictate what we would be working on that session. I did not complain to him about cutting our time short, but that did not make me feel great. I did speak to the person who signed me up to voice my concerns. He was helpful but can't do much in terms of canceling the training. He did reiterate, if I canceled I would be charged $480 regardless. I have 5 sessions left and I realize that I am stuck in this contract. He recommended another trainer to me, who I will be working with on Monday, but I'm worried it's going to be more of the same. The person who signed me up for the training sessions is no longer at the club. Like most people, I work hard for my money and my time is valuable to me. I don't feel that my time and dollars are well spent on this personal training program. It's also soured my feeling about LA Fitness which is unfortunate. I am back to looking up new workout techniques online and going back to previous workouts. I work in hospitality. This process has not been ideal especially for customers who are spending extra money to better themselves and seek overall wellness. I have not publicly complained or brought this to my employer as I would like your feedback on this situation.

Gina Read More

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